Tactics and Projects for Homeschoolers with Raymond Sheen
Today’s topic is: Tactics and projects for home schoolers to grow the movement during the COVID 19 crisis.
We are in a unique moment in history where there are 50 million new homeschoolers in the US alone, but the vast majority are doing public schooling at home and using a secular, pagan and anti-Christian curriculum.
Hopefully, many will be open to continuing in the Fall of 2020, with a Christian curriculum, if current homeschooling parents will be aggressive and be missionaries to their family, friends, and fellow church members. We only have the next 3-5 months to effect this change. All hands on deck. Carpe diem. John 9:4.
REMINDER: The Christian Education Initiative (CEI) started a new livestream podcast every Wednesday and Thursday at 5:00 PM (EST) to promote strategies on how to grow K-12 Christian education and home schooling. Go to www.Christedu.org and click on LISTEN LIVE.