The Fourth Great Education Forum August 18th in Appomattox Virginia

Aug 7, 2018 | 2 comments

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The leader of Exodus Mandate dedicated today’s show to discussing an upcoming important event in Appomattox Virginia.  It is taking place on August 18th.

The event is the Fourth Annual Great Education Forum.

The first Forum was held at Liberty Law School in Lynchburg Virginia.  Kevin Novak is the leader of “Deconstructing the Coliseum.”

This year it is being held at the New Geneva Academy in Appomattox.

Scott Alan Buss is going to speak.  He has written many books.

The conference advocates abandoning the public schools.  This institution has become very hostile to Christianity.

“We don’t want to go back to a previous era of public education,” said Moore.

He continued, “State education is an unacceptable form of education for Christians.”

All the speakers at the Forum advocate abandoning the public education system.

Moore played a video of Kevin Novak, a lawyer and homeschooling dad, being interviewed by Janet Mefford.  They discussed the reasoning that supports the upcoming conference and the importance of K-12 Christian education.

Novak has written an important book entitled “Abolition:  Overcoming the Christian Establishment on Education.”  Moore read his endorsement of the book.

The responsibility for the weakness of Christian education lies at the feet of Christian leadership.

Public education isn’t broken.  It is doing exactly what it is designed to do.

Moore announced that the conference will broadcast live on sermonaudio.  There will be six speakers.  They each make a thirty-minute presentation.

Bill Potter will speak at the conference.  He is a first-class historian.  He runs Landmark Events.  They do tours for homeschoolers.  He’s made many trips to Scotland to study John Knox.  He has led many battlefield tours.

Rev. Travis Witt is the second speaker.  He reenacts famous people from American history.  Moore showed a video clip of Witt acting as Peter Muhlenberg, a Lutheran minister.

The clergy were very involved in the Revolutionary War.  They were known as The Black Regiment.

Jay Jusino is also speaking.  He has written a book entitled “Truth is Fallen in the Streets:  Examining the Pedagogy of Christian Teachers in Public Schools.”  Jusino makes a powerful argument encouraging Christians to leave public education in this book.  He shows that Christians cannot stay in the public education system without compromising.

Moore mentioned the Indoctrination movie and encouraged folks who haven’t viewed it to do so.

Next, Moore mentioned Scott Alan Buss, a polemicist.  He is a prolific writer.

Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond is also speaking.  He is hosting the Conference at his church.  He is the host pastor and a homeschool father.

The conservative Christian leadership is holding the movement back by not focusing on this issue.

“What Once Was Can be Again:  Christian Education and the Reformation” is the title of Moore’s presentation at the conference last year.

He played a few minutes of his presentation.

Ray Moore mentioned that on the day after the Conference, Sunday, there will be a meeting of ministries who are allied with Exodus Mandate.  They are working on taking down the public education system.  This is an informal gathering of leaders who are dedicated to the cause.

Moore mentioned the names of a number of folks who will be attending the conference and the informal time on Sunday.

The event is free.  Guests are encouraged to go to and let Kevin Novak know that you will be there.  The public is invited.

Ray closed the show with a time for questions and discussion.

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