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What do the 2018 Midterm Elections Mean for America, Today? – Ray Moore Live

Dec 11, 2018 | 0 comments

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Election results could catalyze some partisan shifts in state level education policy. Dems now control the House of Representatives, so that makes it worse.

Tragically, the American Christian public has participating in the disaster that is public education for a very long time, even though the public schools are having a nervous breakdown. They are failing. Teachers are leaving in droves, and/or homeschooling their own children.

People used to run for office on the platform of defunding the Federal Department of Education. But instead, it has grown larger and larger, because people will not stand up against it.  Christians and pastors are not even willing to speak out.

However, when you reach for the voucher or the government hand-out, there are always strings attached. The handcuffs go on. The money IS the string. There are automatically strings attached when you take government money. It’s horrifying to me that Christian schools could go down this road. They are willing for another entitlement program, hand-out, etc.

My wife taught in a Christian school. She would attend ACSI national conferences. She roomed with a woman from Canada, years ago. Vouchers were coming into the Christian school systems in Canada, and this woman taught at a large Christian school. The woman said they had a vigorous debate going on with the school board. The ones who favor the voucher say that this money coming from the government, is the Lord’s provision. The other half said it’s a trick of the devil!

Now, the Canadian government is trying to close Christian schools. They are much further down the road to socialism than we are in the USA. The government shuts them down because they will not support the LGBTQ agenda. It truly was and is a trick of the devil, to entwine ourselves with any opportunity for the government to put the handcuffs on us.

Instead, we need to grow the homeschool and Christian school movement. We need to be informed and speak out boldly.


Election results could catalyze some partisan shifts in state level education policy.

Dems now control the House of Representatives, so that makes it worse.

Tragically, the American Christian public has participating in the disaster that is public education for a very long time, even though the public schools are having a nervous breakdown. They are failing. Teachers are leaving in droves, and/or homeschooling their own children.

People used to run for office on the platform of defunding the Federal Department of Education. But instead, it has grown larger and larger, because people will not stand up against it.
Christians and pastors are not even willing to speak out.

However, when you reach for the voucher or the government hand-out, there are always strings attached. The handcuffs go on. The money IS the string. There are automatically strings attached when you take government money.

It’s horrifying to me that Christian schools could go down this road. They are willing for another entitlement program, hand-out, etc.

My wife taught in a Christian school. She would attend ACSI national conferences. She roomed with a woman from Canada, years ago. Vouchers were coming into the Christian school systems in Canada, and this woman taught at a large Christian school. The woman said they had a vigorous debate going on with the school board.

The ones who favor the voucher say that this money coming from the government, is the Lord’s provision.

The other half said it’s a trick of the devil!

Now, the Canadian government is trying to close Christian schools. They are much further down the road to socialism than we are in the USA.

The government shuts them down because they will not support the LGBTQ agenda.

It truly was and is a trick of the devil, to entwine ourselves with any opportunity for the government to put the handcuffs on us.

Instead, we need to grow the homeschool and Christian school movement. We need to be informed and speak out boldly.




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