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Awakening with Gail Moore | Ray Moore Live | 8.21.18

Awakening with Gail Moore | Ray Moore Live | 8.21.18

Ray Moore’s wife of 49 years, Gail, just returned from a Jamaica mission trip, where she spoke on Awakenings. She gives a marvelous history of revivals and awakenings throughout Christian history. Key to revival is “kindling” or setting the stage for God to move. Ray...

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Losing Faith:  Why the Church is being Abandoned

Losing Faith: Why the Church is being Abandoned

Ray talked today about the decline of church attendance in South Carolina. Today’s show is based on a newspaper article in a South Carolina newspaper that was published on Saturday. Ray showed a picture of a church building that had an active congregation since 1743. ...

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God’s Medium of Exchange | Ray Moore Live | 7.26.18

God’s Medium of Exchange | Ray Moore Live | 7.26.18

God’s medium of exchange is gold. God wrote gold and silver into His economy, as a medium of exchange. Silver and gold  have always been a means of exchange with some intrinsic value.  We know it is the money of final resort. Even today, some recommend investing 20%...

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Ray Moore Live | 7.25.2018

Ray Moore Live | 7.25.2018

Ray Moore, the leader of Exodus Mandate, continues his three part series on currency in today's thirty minute LIVE show. Acknowledging that Donald Trump, as good as he is, is choosing to ignore the deficit Moore highlights the high probability of a financial crisis in...

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Silver & Gold  | Ray Moore Live |  7.24.18

Silver & Gold | Ray Moore Live | 7.24.18

Have you ever heard of Roger Sherman? Roger Sherman was part of the Constitutional Convention. He helped draft the articles of confederation and inserted a new provision against states writing paper money. Author of Article 1 Sec. 10. No state shall make anything but...

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Statism | Ray Moore Live | 7.17.18

Statism | Ray Moore Live | 7.17.18

Statism – the state is absolutely supreme. It would be like in the time of King James, 1600,  the Stuarts were supreme. It’s working in the education realm, now. How can it be that Christians who pray, tithe, witness, but still send their children to these statist,...

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Allegiance to God or the State? | Ray Moore Live | 7.19.18

Allegiance to God or the State? | Ray Moore Live | 7.19.18

Did you know that Francis Bellamy, the author of the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag, was a Unitarian Socialist, who had been kicked out of the Baptist church? When he wrote it, it did not include "under God" but was a pledge of supreme allegiance to the...

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