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American Universities and Revivals | Ray Moore Live | 10.9.18

American Universities and Revivals | Ray Moore Live | 10.9.18

Description Today’s show features a piece by Bill Federer on Revivals, Universities, and the Preaching of Jonathan Edwards. Many colleges and seminaries started as Christian institutions of higher learning. Scottish minister William Tennent migrated to PA in 1718 and...
J. Gresham Machen | Ray Moore Live | 10.2.18

J. Gresham Machen | Ray Moore Live | 10.2.18

Description Princeton Theological Seminary professor and theologian, Dr. J. Gresham Machen, was a courageous and discerning Christian who spoke boldly about the evils of centralized government-controlled education, toward the beginning of the 20th century....
Remembering Buddy Hanson | Ray Moore Live | 9.25.18

Remembering Buddy Hanson | Ray Moore Live | 9.25.18

Full Show Description Today’s show is dedicated to the memory of  Buddy Hanson, a great man of God who lived from December 19, 1941-September 17, 2018. He was 76 years old when he died last week as a result of cardiac arrest. Ray reminisces about his friendship with...
Pastors & Moral Courage | Ray Moore Live | 9.18.18

Pastors & Moral Courage | Ray Moore Live | 9.18.18

Full Show Description Beware of socialist “Christian” leaders who are promoting the “Matthew 25 Declaration on Public Education.” The public school system is morally bankrupt and corrupting our children.  What is needed? The safe sanctuary of Christian schools and...
Why I Ran for Lt. Governor | Ray Moore Live | 9.4.18

Why I Ran for Lt. Governor | Ray Moore Live | 9.4.18

Full Show Description In 2014, Ray ran for Lt. Governor of South Carolina, when a seat opened up. He saw this as an opportunity to give attention to our agenda of encouraging parents to remove their children from government schools, in favor of Christian education and...
The Promise of Jonadab | Ray Moore Live | 8.28.18

The Promise of Jonadab | Ray Moore Live | 8.28.18

Full Show Description One lone family amid cultural and religious collapse struggles to maintain faith in their time and future generations. This ancient clan demonstrates the successful transition of faith that remains aflame for centuries. Communicating zeal for God...